
移动代理WSN网络中信道Sift MAC协议

Application of Channel Sift MAC Protocol in Sensor Network with Mobile Agents
摘要 介绍了一种采用移动代理的无线传感器(WSN)网络,该网络系统由移动代理节点负责复杂数据处理、接入处理、数据转发传输、路由维护等工作,与一般WSN网络相比具有节能优势。该网络系统MAC层采用S-ALOHA协议,不仅网络吞吐量低而且能耗大,依据网络结构特点提出了采用基于信噪比(SNR)的信道Sift协议。仿真验证该协议大大提高了网络吞吐量和降低了网络系统能耗。 A type of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with Mobile Agents is introduced.It has advantage in energy efficiency as compared with normal wireless sensor networks,but it uses S-ALOHA protocol with lower network throughput and higher energy consumption in MAC layer.Based on the characteristics of WSN,a channel sift MAC protocol is given.The simulation results show that the channel sift MAC protocol is better than S-ALOHA in network throughput and energy efficiency.
出处 《无线电通信技术》 2010年第4期1-3,共3页 Radio Communications Technology
基金 西北工业大学电子信息学院e之星计划支持
关键词 移动代理 信道Sift MAC协议 网络吞吐量 能耗 mobile agent channel sift MAC protocol network throughput energy consumption
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