鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程是鄱阳湖生态经济区一个重要组成部分,是坚持生态立省的一项重大战略举措。水利枢纽工程方案实施后,仍有长达半年多的"江湖"隔断时间,其水位将常年维持在16.0 m左右,这将直接淹没16.0 m以下的在天然状态下随着枯洪季节而变化形成的草滩、沼泽和浅水洼地等独特湿地自然景观,湖泊水域面积增大,洲滩湿地面积减少,从而对鄱阳湖水生生物环境带来不确定的影响。通过工程可能对浮游生物、底栖生物、水生植物、鱼类及珍稀生物的影响进行分析和探讨,认为工程实施后,一方面整个湖区水体初级生产力提高,饵料生物资源量较建坝前会有较大的增加,水生维管束植物会发生结构调整和生物量变化,底栖生物有增大的趋势。枯水期的蓄水可使鄱阳湖多年平均浅层水面扩大;内湖水位稳定,有利于湖区鱼类资源可持续发展和生态环境保护。江湖季节性连通有利于保持长江与鄱阳湖物种遗传与生态的联系。
Poyang Lake Ecological Water Control Project is an important component of the Poyang Lake economic zone.It is a major strategic initiative of insisting on the ecological legislation of a province.After carrying out of Poyang Lake Water Control Project,the water level will perennially maintain about 16.0 m.Partitioned of lake and river is about half-year time,it will bring a series of impacts on the aquatic biology of Poyang Lake.Discussion mainly is on the impacts of Poyang Lake Control Project on aquatic biology: plankton,hydrophytic vegetation,Benthos,fish,aquatic rarest biology,and etc.The results show that the primary production and aquatic resources will be heightened,Aquatic vascular plants occur in the structural adjustment and its biomass will change,benthic organisms are the trend of rising.The stability of in-lake water level is conducive to sustainable in-lake fish biomass increase and environmental protection.Seasonal river and lake connection is helpful to maintaining the species in the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake genetic and ecological relations.
Jiangxi Science
Poyang Lake
Water control project
Aquatic biology