
定向苗木概念 被引量:3

The Target Plant Concept
摘要 定向苗木概念在评价更新造林和恢复造林中是个相对新而有效的方式。它强调苗木质量必须在造林地进行测定,而且不存在通用型优良苗木。特别是,定向苗木概念强调成功的造林项目需要苗圃经理和客户之间良好的沟通。定向苗木概念可以看做一个循环的反馈体系,从造林地反馈的信息来明确和细化适合每个造林项目的最佳苗木类型。 The Target Plant Concept is a relatively new but effective way of looking at reforestation and restoration. It em- phasizes that plant quality must be defined on the outplanting site, and that there is not one universal best stock type. In parti- cular, the Target Plant Concept emphasizes that successful outplanting projects require good communication between the plant user and the nursery manager. The Target Plant Concept should be viewed as a circular feedback system where information from the outplanting site is used to define and refine the best type of plant for each project.
作者 邢世岩 张倩
出处 《山东林业科技》 2010年第4期99-103,共5页 Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 定向苗木概念 造林目的 苗木类型 遗传因素 造林地限制因子 造林最佳时机 造林工具和造林技术 The Target Plant Concept Objectives of the Outplanting Project Type of PlantMaterial Genetic Considerations Limiting factors on the outplanting site Timing of the outplanting window Outplanting tools and technique
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