Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Otolray Ngology Foreign Medical)
1Matthies C, Samii M. Management of vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neruoma): The value of neurophysiology for intraoperative monitoring of auditory function in 200 cases[J]. Neurosurgery, 1997, 40(3): 459-468.
2Samii M, Matthies C. Management of 1000 vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neruoma): hearing function in 1000 cases[J]. Neurosurgery, 1997, 40(2): 248-262.
3Matthies C, Samii M. Direct brainsten recording of auditory evoked potentials during vestibular schwannoma resection: nuclear ABR recording[J]. J Neurosurg, 1997, 86(6): 1057-1062.
4Colletti V, Fiorino FG, Mocella S et al. ECochG, CNAP and ABR monitoring vestibular Schwannoma surgery[J]. Audiology, 1998, 37(1): 27-37.
5Colletti V, Fiorino FG, Mocella S. Vulnerability of hearing function during acoustic neuroma surgery[J]. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh), 1994, 114(3): 264-270.
6Moller AR, Jho HD, Jannetta PJ. Preservation of hearing in operations on acoustic tumors: an alternative to recording brain stern auditory evoked potential[J]. Neurosurgery, 1994, 34(4): 688-693.
7Cueva RA, Morris GF, Prioleau GR. Direct cochlear nerve monitoring: first report in a new atraumatic, self-retaining electrode[J]. Am J Otol, 1998, 19(11): 202-207.
8Colletti V, Fiorino FG, Mocella S, et al. Mechanisms of auditory impairment during acoustic neuroma surgery[J]. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1997, 117(6): 596-605.
9Battista RA, Wiet RJ, Paauwe L. Evaluation of three intraoperative auditory monitoring techniques in acoustic neuromas surgery[J]. Am J Otol, 2000, 21(2): 244-248.
10Jackson LE, Roberson JB Jr. Acoustic neuroma surgery: Use of cochlear nerve action potential monitoring for hearing preservation[J]. Am J Otol, 2000, 21(11): 249-259.
2郑权,黄金石.伽玛刀治疗听神经瘤49例临床分析[J].吉林医学,2000,21(1):21-21. 被引量:1
3史俊妮,陈曼.超声弹性成像诊断乳腺癌并评估腋窝淋巴结状态的应用进展[J].中国介入影像与治疗学,2015,12(7):450-453. 被引量:10
6刘新军,祝新根.听神经瘤手术治疗的听力保留研究进展[J].中国微侵袭神经外科杂志,2007,12(1):46-48. 被引量:7
7廖正凯,付振明,曹振,谢丛华.放疗患者的营养支持[J].肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志,2015,2(2):23-25. 被引量:5
8史俊峰,许示心,费伯健,屠惠明.微创外科联合前哨淋巴结活检术治疗早期胃癌[J].中华普通外科杂志,2015,30(10):766-769. 被引量:7