

The Distribution Characteristics of Endomycorrhizae in Rhizospheric Soil of Jatropha curcas Trees in Panzhihua City
摘要 在攀枝花市仁和区按天然麻疯树分布特征,采集20个根际土壤样品,研究其内生菌根菌的种类及相互关系。初步研究结果是,筛分出4种孢子并鉴定为巨囊霉属2个,球囊霉属1个,无梗囊霉属1个,且两种巨囊霉之间存在相互竞争关系和高的线性负相关关系。球囊霉属与无梗囊霉属之间也存在相互竞争关系和高的线性负相关关系。 Concentration of endomycorrhizae spores in the rhizospheric soil of Jatropha curcas trees were researched by the random sampling method in Renhe Distriction of Panzhihua City.20 samples of soil and root mixture from 20 sites were collected for inspecting the kinds of endomycorrhizae and their relations.The results showed that 4 kinds of spores were sieved out and identified as 2 Gigaspora,1 Glomus and 1 Acaulospora.Between the two Gigaspora exists a competitive relationship,and there was also a high linear negative correlation.Between Glomus and Acaulospora also exists a competitive relationship,and a high linear negative correlation.
出处 《四川林业科技》 2010年第4期59-63,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
基金 麻疯树良种壮苗标准化快繁技术研究与示范(2007BAD50B02)
关键词 麻疯树 根际土壤 内生菌根菌种类 分布特征 Jatropha curcas L. Rhizosphere Endomycorrhizae Disstrbution characteristics
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