
T Tauri型星的多波段测光研究

Multi-band Photometric Monitoring of T Tauri Stars
摘要 为证明主序前星向零龄主序星演化过程中自转加快的理论预期,创新性的由强X-ray源选取11颗弱发射线T Tauri型星,并进行了多波段的测光观测.应用PDM和付理叶分析两种方法获得了其中6颗的光变周期,且多数短于1天.结果证明主序前恒星随星龄的增加自转加快,及金牛-御夫恒星形成区其星云中心的恒星明显的较外侧的恒星更为年轻. We monitored the light curves of 11 Weak-line T Tauri Stars(WTTSs) discovered among the X-ray sources in the field of the Taurus-Auriga cloud.For 6 of the 11 WTTSs photometric periodic variability is confirmed and their rotational periods are determined using Phase Dispersion Minimization(PDM) and Fourier analysis.Most of them are found to have periods shorter than one day.This gives further evidence for the spin up of solar-type stars predicted by the models of angular momentum evolution of pre-main sequence stars.
出处 《通化师范学院学报》 2010年第8期15-16,23,共3页 Journal of Tonghua Normal University
基金 国家自然科学基金(10878015) 河南省教育厅科技攻关项目(2009B510018) 郑州轻工业学院博士基金资助项目(000533)
关键词 TTauri型星 光变 周期 T Tauri stars light variation period
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