From the beginning of 2010,knitting equipments are being sold very well and the manufacturers can always get enough orders. This paper makes a deep survey into the enterprises and it is found the crisis under apparent prosperity that the knitting enterprises want to buy more machines just because of policy guidance,increase of labor cost,increase of raw material and equipment wear; The big increase of raw material is due to the low will of cotton farmers to plant cotton,low supply and high demand situation on the international market,and domestic cotton price following the increasing foreign cotton price leading to cotton enterprises to stock up cotton; part of the knitting enterprises are facing at the severe labor shortage because some workers are not satisfied with their salaries,some workers choose to go back home for job and the development of service industry attracts more workers away. It is suggested that in order to overcome the difficult situation,the knitting enterprises should take the road of industry chain integration and cooperation between upriver and downriver enterprises.
Knitting Industries