

Prepatrion of ZnO Semiconductor Nanowires
摘要 采用物理气相沉积技术在镀金Si衬底上制备一维ZnO纳米线。利用SEM、XRD及PL技术对ZnO纳米结构的形貌、晶态结构及生长模式进行了分析。结果表明,ZnO纳米线结构的生长满足气液固生长机制,且呈现纳米线顶端生长模式,且主要由晶态ZnO组成。 Uses the physical gas phaes deposition technology to be gold-plated on the si substratr to prepare univaritae ZnO nanowires.Using SEM,XRD and the PL technology to the ZnO nanometer structure's appearance,the crystalline state structure and sent the growth pattern to carry on the analysis.The result indicated that the ZnO nanometer line structure's growth is mad the liquid solid growth mechanism satisfiedly,and presents accepts the rice-flour noodle apical growth pattern,and is mainly composed of crystalline state ZnO.
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第9期212-213,共2页 Coal Technology
关键词 ZNO 扫描电子显微镜 X射线衍射 ZnO SEM XRD
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