

An Interference Temperature Estimation Method Based on Pilot and Interpolation Theory
摘要 根据信道估计中二维矩形导频图案的设置原理和IEEE 802.22系统工作部署示意图,部署一定数目的传感器探测主用户的功率谱,并结合多窗口谱估计联合奇异值分解来估计干扰温度值;针对用户分布的随机性,对于没有部署探测点的区域,则利用插值的方法来估计该区域的干扰温度值。理论分析及仿真表明,该方法能有效探测出一定区域中的干扰温度值,插值方法的运用使得估计精度得到了很大的提高。 A certain number of sensors are deployed to detect the primary user' s power spectrum density based on the theory of setting two - dimensional rectangular pilot pattern and the disposing sketch map of IEEE 802.22 system. Then the interference temperature is estimated through combining the multitaper method with singular value decomposition(SVI)) . Aiming at the distribution randomicity of cognitive users, in the region where there is no detection point, interpolation methods are used to estimate the interference temperature value. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that the method can detect the interference temperature effectively at certain area, and the estimation precision of interference temperature is improved by interpolation method.
机构地区 重庆通信学院
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2010年第8期86-91,共6页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(CSTC 20072017)~~
关键词 认知无线电 干扰温度 功率谱估计 插值 cognitive radio(CR) interference temperature PSD estimation interpolation
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