
T型微通道内吸收H2S实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental study on absorption of H2S in T-junction microchannel
摘要 在水力学直径为1.00 mm的方形T型微通道内,采用质量分数为40%的N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)吸收含有体积分数为0.12%的H2S混合气体。实验发现,在微通道内可以获得很高的H2S脱除效率,在气液体积比为200∶1时,其脱除效率可以达到99.5%。在微通道内的H2S传质过程中,H2S传质的阻力主要集中在气侧,而且气侧体积传质系数随着气体和液体表观速率的增加而增加。提出了在过渡区的二相流型中,气侧体积传质系数的量纲一经验关联式,其计算值和实验值吻合得很好。通过比较发现,微通道比其他传统设备的气侧体积传质系数高出1—2个数量级。 The absorption of H2S from gaseous mixture containing volume fraction 0.12% H2S with mass fraction 40% methyldiethanolamine(MDEA) solution was investigated in a rectangular T-junction microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 1.00 mm.It shows that the high removal efficiency of H2S is achieved,which can reach 99.5% at the volume ratio of gas to liquid of 200 ∶1.In the absorption process,the mass transfer resistance of H2S is mainly limited on the gas side.The gas-side volumetric mass transfer coefficient increases with the increase of gas and liquid phases apparent flow rates.A dimension-one empirical correlation for gas-side volumetric mass transfer coefficients was developed in the transition flow zone,which shows a good agreement with the experimental data.Compared with the conventional gas-liquid contactors,the microchannels can provide at least one or two orders of magnitude higher gas-side volumetric mass transfer coefficient.
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期4-8,共5页 Chemical Engineering(China)
关键词 吸收 微通道 气液传质 过程强化 absorption microchannel gas-liquid mass transfer process intensification
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