To select a highly metastahc subpopulation from a hUman osteooarcoma cell line and to establish a method for keeping its hidly methetatic character. Methods: A low metastatic Cell line SOSP-9607 was chosen as material. Anificial lung metastasis in nude face and cell culture tecboques were used to select the highly metastatic subpopulation, and its highly metaStatic character was bontalned by secondary culture in yial and in Vial. Cell growth analysis, chromosome staining and llowcytometly were employed to characterize the subpopulation. Results: The sPOntaneous lung metastasis rate of SOSP-M in nude face was 100%. Compared with SOSP-9607, SOSP-M showed different propenies in shape, growing rate, chromosome and so on. Through secondary culture in vivo and in vitro, we bontalned its metaStatic character, and observed a high rate Of metastasis in brain, bone and muscle. Conclusion: Artificial lung metastasis, cell culture and secondal culture in vivo and in vitro are reliable methods to select and maintain highly metastatic subpopulation.
Chinese Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology