

Research on Ambiguity Resolution in Attitude Determination System Using Dual-frequency Carrier Phase Measurement
摘要 为了满足卫星动态测姿系统的速度和精度要求,提出了一种单历元整周模糊度解算方法。该方法利用现代卫星系统多频观测条件,组成双频宽巷组合观测值,用约束条件确定宽巷组合初始整周模糊度备选值,采用多种检验方法剔除错误的模糊度组合,最后求解出用于姿态解算的单频载波相位整周模糊度值。经实验仿真证明,该方法简单快速,克服了传统TCAR技术模糊度确定错误率高的缺点,提高了正确率.适合单历元姿态确定。 In this paper, a single epoch algorithm for fixing the carrier phase ambiguity was presented to meet the speed and accuracy requirements of satellite dynamic attitude determination system. The algorithm was based on the nowadays available conditions of multi-frequency carrier-observations, two of them can form a wide-lane measurement. Then made sure of the wide-lane ambiguity by using existence constraint factors to limit the ambiguity search range by eliminating the incorrect ambiguity candidates through four methods. Finally, the integer ambiguity on the single-frequency carrier phase could be resolved. Compared with traditional TCAR, this algorithm wins a higher success probability of integer ambiguity determination. The simulation result indicates that this method is feasible and is suitable for single epoch ambiguity determination.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期23-25,32,共4页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
基金 民航863课题资助
关键词 伽利略卫星定位系统 姿态确定 双频组合观测值 约束条件 整周模糊度 Galileo satellite positioning system attitude determination dual-frequency carrier phase measurement constraints ambiguity
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