
彼得·伯克的文化史观 被引量:4

Peter Burke’s Views of Cultural History
摘要 英国文化史学家彼得.伯克的文化史观可以概括为中和、建构、多维三个层面。他认为,文化是一种普遍、客观、观念和物质的存在,为同一文化体内各阶层所共有;文化观念和养成是一定时空之内有意识的建构;各种文化交互交融,此消彼长,成就了它们的多维与丰富,并无绝对的中心与边缘。这些观点所体现出的大众化、平民化和多维性倾向与我国正在建设的和谐文化在价值取向上有相似性与兼容性。 The major features of Peter Burke's culture history views can be summarized as mild medium,construction and multi-dimension.He holds that culture is a universal,authentic,conceptual and material entity,shared by every rank of people in the same body of cultural system,and cultural concepts and establishments the conscious construction in a certain span and space,and various cultures encountering,interacting,and penetrating with each other to form their variety and multiplicity,rather then something limited to the settled centers and peripheries.It is,therefore,resemble and compatible in values between Burke's culture history views and harmony culture quintessence being constructed in China at present time.
作者 蔡玉辉
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期442-447,共6页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
基金 芜湖市科研项目(芜科计[2008]154号) 安徽师范大学博士科研启动基金资助项目
关键词 彼得·伯克 文化史观 中和 建构 多维 Peter Burke views of cultural history mild medium construction multi-dimension
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  • 1杜曼斯卡,爱瓦.当代新文化史家彼得·伯克访谈[M]∥历史与当下:第二辑.上海:上海三联书店,2005.
  • 2Burke,Peter.An Intellectual Self-portrait:Or the History of a Historian[J].Rethinking History:The Journal of Theory and Practice,269-81,Volume 13,Issue 2,2009.
  • 3杨豫,李霞,舒小昀.新文化史学的兴起——与剑桥大学彼得伯克教授座谈侧记[J].史学理论研究,2000(1):143-150. 被引量:38
  • 4Burke,Peter.The European Renaissance:Centers and Peripheries[M].Blackwell:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.1998.
  • 5彼得·伯克.欧洲近代早期的大众文化[M].杨豫等译.上海:上海人民出版社,2005,35-55.
  • 6Burke,Peter.History and Historians in the Twentieth Century[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,published for British Academy,2002.
  • 7Burke,Peter.What Is Cultural History?[M].2nd ed.Polity Press,2008.
  • 8彼得·伯克.制作路易十四[M].许绶南,译.台北:麦田出版社,1997.
  • 9Burke,Peter & Roy Porter.A Social History of Language[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987.
  • 10Burke,Peter.Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004.


  • 1John Burrow,Evolution and Sociey,Cambridge, 1966.
  • 2Owen Chadwick, From Bassuet to Newman,Cambridge, 1957.
  • 3Bruce Mazlish, ' Autobiography and Psychoanalysis', Encounter, October 1970, 28 - 45.
  • 4G. W. Trompf, The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought from Antiquity to the Reformation, Berkeley, 1979.
  • 5Peter Burke, 'Renaissance, Reformation and Revolution', in Niedergang, ed. Reinhart, K., Stuttgart, 1980, 137-47.
  • 6Louis Green,Chronicle into History,Cambridge, 1972, 17ff, 27; Gerald J. Gruman, 'Balance and Excess as Gibbon's Explanation of the Decline and Fall', History and Theory 1 (1960), 75 - 85.
  • 7Hans Vyverberg,Historical Pessimism in the French Enlightenment,Cambridge,Mass.,1958.
  • 8Vittorio Lanternari, The Religions of the Oppressed, London, 1963.
  • 9Arthur F. Wright, 'Chinese Historiography', in International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, ed. D. Sills, New York, 1968, 400-7; Mushin Mahdi,Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History,London,1957;Aziz Al-Azmeh,Ibn Khaldun,London,1982;Tarif Khalidi,Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period,Cambridge,1994
  • 10Leslie P. Hartley, The Go - Between, London, 1953; David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country,Cambridge, 1985.












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