根据GenBank发表的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒经典株和变异株基因序列,设计合成了2对引物,分别扩增NSP2和N SP 9部分基因片段,建立了一种一次反转录后多重PCR鉴定区分PRRSV变异株和经典株的方法。该方法扩增PRRSV变异株时可获得380 bp的特异性片段,扩增PRRSV经典株时则获得380 bp和680 bp两条特异性片段,根据RT-PCR产物可将两者区分开来。试验证明该方法具有敏感性高、特异性好的特点,是一种快速准确检测PRRSV的方法。
Based on GenBank's strains gene sequence of classical and variant strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, two specific primers were designed and parts of gene fragments of NSP2 and NSP9 were amplified respectively. After one reverse transcription, a multiple PCR method was established to distinguish variant and classic strains of PRRSV. This method was shown to gain 380 bp specific fragments by amplifying variant strains of PRRSV or gain two 380 bp and 680 bp fragments by amplifying classical strains of PRRSV, and the products of RT-PCR could be used to distinguish them. It was proved to be a fast and accurate method of detecting PRRSV, which had high sensitivity and good specificity.
Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology