目的探讨oxLDL参与动脉粥样硬化发生的可能机制。方法培养人血管内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞,以50μg/L oxLDL刺激24、48h后,收获细胞用于后续实验:①免疫组化染色检测DNA加合物εdA水平;②免疫组化方法检测细胞内4-HNE修饰蛋白;③western blot法检测细胞内4-HNE修饰蛋白水平。结果oxLDL刺激EC及SMC中DNA加合物εdA水平及4-HNE修饰蛋白水平均较未刺激细胞组明显升高。结果 oxLDL诱导的氧化应激、脂质过氧化反应及其继发的DNA损伤可能为oxLDL参与动脉粥样硬化发生的重要机制。
Objective To investigate the pathogenesis of oxidized LDL(oxLDL) in the progression of atherosclerosis.Methods To correlate oxLDL and macromolecular damage,we measured levels of LPO-derived miscoding etheno-DNA adducts and LPO-modified proteins in cultured human vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells after incubation with oxLDL for up to 48h.A semi-quantative analysis method for 1,N6-etheno-deoxyadenosine(εdA) by immunohistochemistry was applied.Results After oxLDL stimulation,a marked and significant increase of εdA-stained nuclei was found in both endothelial and smooth muscle cells.Similarly,4-hydroxy-2-nonenal– modified proteins,as analyzed by immunohistochemistry and Western blot,showed a 3-5 fold increase.Conclusion LPO-derived etheno-DNA adducts and LPO-modified proteins are strongly induced by oxLDL in human vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells.This macromolecular damage may contribute to the dysfunction of arterial endothelium and the onset of atherosclerosis.
Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry