目的探讨硫酸镁湿敷加保鲜膜包裹预防化疗性静脉炎的临床效果。方法 2009年2月~2009年12月,选择该院肿瘤科使用静脉留置套管针化疗的患者130例,随机分成观察组(48例)、对照1组(42例)及对照2组(40例)。观察组于输注化疗药物前0.5~1.0h至输液结后1.0h在留置针穿刺点上方2cm处沿静脉走向,采用50%的硫酸镁纱布湿敷外加保鲜膜包裹;对照1组采用一次性中单替代保鲜膜包裹,其余同实验组;对照2组输液部位不加处理,观察3组静脉炎发生率及输液部位疼痛程度。结果 3组患者静脉炎发生率为:观察组6.3%,对照1组23.8%,对照2组47.5%,3组总体比较及各组间比较均差异有显著性(P<0.05);3组患者输液部位的7d疼痛总分:观察组(15.25±5.43)分,对照1组(23.14±4.14)分,对照2组(37.08±7.89)分,各组间比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论使用静脉留置针输注化疗药物,配合硫酸镁湿敷加保鲜膜包裹可使化疗性静脉炎的发生率显著降低,患者疼痛减轻。
【Objective】To study the curative effect of wet compress with magnesium sulfate and cling film wrap for preventing phlebitis caused by chemotherapy.【Method】From February 2009 to December 2009,130 patients with chemotherapy using intravenous catheter trocar in our hospital oncology were divided into observing group (n = 48) and control group 1 (n =42) and control group 2 (n =40) randomly.Patients on observing group was given wet compress of 50% magnesium sulfate and cling film wrap in the top 2 cm infusion end point on 0.5~1 h before chemotherapy infusion to 1 h after;Patients on control group 1 was given One-off single alternative cling film wrapped,the same as in the experimental group;Patients on control group 2 infusion site were not addressed.The time of pain relief and the incidence of phlebitis were observed among the three groups.【Result】Phlebitis in three groups of patients was: observing group 6.3%;control group 1 23.8%;control group 2 47.5%.General comparisons among the three groups and the groups compared were statistically significant (P 0.05).Pain score of 7 days in infusion site in three groups of patients was: observing group (15.25±5.43);control group 1 (23.14±4.14);control group 2 (37.08±7.89).Comparisons among the three groups were statistically significant (P 0.05).【Conclusion】Use of intravenous catheter infusion chemotherapy,with wet compress of magnesium sulfate and cling film wrapped can decrease the incidence of phlebitis caused by chemotherapy significantly,and relief the pain of patients.
China Journal of Modern Medicine
magnesium sulfate
cling film wrapped
phlebitis caused by chemotherapy.