
一种新的橡胶衬套半经验动力学模型 被引量:7

A Novel Semi-Empirical Dynamic Model of Rubber Bushing
摘要 提出了一种基于集成Dzierzek非线性静态弹性单元模型、分数导数粘弹模型与Berg平滑摩擦模型的橡胶衬套半经验参数化模型。结合某悬架用圆柱橡胶衬套对该模型进行了参数识别与仿真精度对比分析,同时对该模型进行了修正及验证。试验结果表明,修正模型在增加5个参数识别工况的条件下,显著提高了模型的仿真精度,增强了模型适用性。 A semi-empirical parameterized rubber bushing model incorporating Dzierzek-based nonlinear elastic element model, fractional derivative viscoelastic model and Berg smooth friction model is presented in the paper. Using a cylindrical rubber bushing of a vehicle suspension, the parameters identification and simulation precision comparison and analysis have been made for the model. Correction and validation of the model are also made. The test results show that the corrected model, by adding five parameter identification conditions, significant improves model simulation precision, enhances model applicability.
机构地区 同济大学
出处 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2010年第8期6-11,共6页 Automobile Technology
关键词 橡胶衬套 动力学模型 参数识别 Rubber bushing, Dynamic model, Parameter recognition
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