
敦德冰芯中微粒含量与沙尘暴及气候的关系 被引量:31

Microparticle Concentration Within the Dunde Ice Core and itsRelation to Dust Storm and Climate Since the Little Ice Age
摘要 在敦德冰芯不同粒径(>2.0um,2.0~25um,>5.04um)的微粒数据处理基础上,进行了微粒的变化特征以及微粒所揭示的气候信息分析,并将其与小冰期以来的气候变化记录进行了对比.结果表明,微粒含量变化与极地微粒研究所得的结论基本一致,即微粒含量高时,气候多为冷干;微粒含量低时,气候多为暖湿微粒变化异常于这一规律时,多为尘暴发生之时微粒含量的多少与当地的大风强度、地形、尘暴的规模。 it is known that insoluble microparticlewithin ice core are associated with the phenomena ofparticle generating, such as large-scale dust storm,volcanic activity, organism activity, and so on.Microparticle analysis may reveal the microparticlesources and dust events, moreover, reveal global andregional climatic records in ice core. Determination ofmicroparticles, > 2.0μm, 2.0-2.5μm, > 5.04μm indiameter, since the Little Ice Age in the Dunde icecore is presented in this paper. Three increasing andthree decreasing periods are distinguished since 1400AD. Among them the greatest one was in the end ofthe 17th century and the early 18th century. A comparison between microparticle concentration and climaticdata since the Little Ice Age confirms that there werethree increasing and decreasing periods. The higherthe microparticle concentration, the colder and drierthe climate; the lower the microparticle concentrationthe warmer and wetter the climate. There exists agood relationship between the concentration ofmicroparticles and dust storm frequency. Most of thematerial deposited on the Dunde ice cap is thoughtoriginated in the surrounding arid and semi--arid areas, probably transported by the dust storms movinginto the Qilian Mountains. When microparticle concentrations appear special values, dust storms wouldhappen and a good relationship presents betweenmicroparticle concentrations and the scale, frequency,intensity of the dust storms, as well as the intensity ofwind. The concentration of total microparticles (> 2.0μm in diameter) for the upper 4--meter ice core is plotted against water--equivalent depth. Seasonal variationis obviously shown. Analyzing microparticles of different sizes, we can see that microparticle variation has acycle of about 200 a.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期9-14,共6页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
关键词 敦德冰芯 微粒 粒径 小冰期 沙尘暴 气候变化 Dunde Ice Core microparticle size distribution Little Ice Age dust storms climate change
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