
敦德冰芯过去800a来的甲烷记录 被引量:5

800-year CH4 Record in Dunde Ice Core
摘要 敦德冰芯上部95m的12个样品记录了近800a来冰内气泡包裹气体中甲烷的浓度变化,结果表明,最近200a来该冰芯记录的甲烷浓度急剧上升,与南极及格棱兰的甲烷记录反映的趋势相一致,但与两极同时代样品相比,其浓度总体上要高出0.5×100-6~0.6×10-6mol/mol.在这之前,3者基本保持一致,在07×10-6~0.8×10-6mol/mol之间波动. There are 12 samples from the upper95 m of the Dunde ice core providing 800 a record ofCH4 concentration in the air trapped in ice core bubbles. An anthropogenic increase of CH4 over the last200 years is revealed, and what is more the increaserate and level are quicker and higher than Antarcticand Greenland records. For a given interval in the20th century, the Dunde CH4 concentration is about0.5 * 10-6 0.6 * 10-6 mol / mol higher than Antarctic and Greenland ones. From our present--day knowledge of the latitudinal distribution of CH4, even inthe center of human activity, one will not expect a difference of more than 0.15 * 10-6 mol / mol with respect to the Antarctic level. But before the 19th century, there were two CH4 concentrations obtained fromthe Dunde ice core, dated to about 1280 AD and 1800AD, which fit well with the Antarctic and Greenlandreferences, and the CH4 concentration fluctuatedwithin 0.7 * 10-6~0.8 * 10-6 mol/ mol. It is clearthat the CH4 concentration recorded in the Dunde icecore bubbles was disturbed by the transformation process of snow to ice during this century.The elevation of Dunde ice cap is 5 200 m, justthe same as Mont Logan (5300 m). In Mont Loganice samples the total gas content is about 7cm3 / 100g, but in Dunde it is only about 1~5 cm3 / 100 g. Also most of the bubbles are angular and unevenly--distributed in Dunde ice samples. By all appearances, theDunde ice records can not be attributed to the transformation of dry-firn to ice, but to an intensemelting-refreezing process. The variation of CH4 concentration over the last800 years recorded in the Dunde ice core can be divided into two stages : before the 19th century, DundeCH4 records fit well with polar ice sheet references, reflecting the true concentration of atmospheric CH4.After 19th century, the Dunde ice core clearly revealsthe intense increase of CH4 concentration, about 0.5* 10-6~0.6 *10-6 mol/ mol higher than Antarcticand Greenland records. The measurement of total gascontent reveals that the total gas contents of two samples dated to about 1800 AD and 1280 AD are 5.2and 3.0 cm3 / 100 g respectively, higher than those ofthe upper samples, which means that the two samplescontain richer bubbles, and less melting occurred onthe snow surface at that time. We can conclude thatthe amplification of CH4 concentration recorded inthe Dunde ice core, compared with atmospheric level,may be attributed to the intensification of melting onthe snow surface during this century.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期15-18,共4页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
关键词 敦德冰芯 气泡包裹气体 甲烷浓度变化 Dunde ice core, air trapped in bubbles, variation of CH4 concentration
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  • 2姚檀栋 Thompson L G.敦德冰芯记录与过去5ka温度变化[J].中国科学:B辑,1992,(10):1089-1093.
  • 3姚檀栋,中国科学.B,1992年,10卷,1089页
  • 4姚檀栋,中国科学.B,1990年,11卷,1196页












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