

Fasting Blood Glucose Early Intensive Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes β Cell Function
摘要 目的:探讨早期强化空腹血糖治疗对初发2型糖尿病(T2DM)β细胞功能的影响。方法:将我院2008-01~2010-01收治的T2DM患者54例按空腹血糖浓度分为1组28例(FPG<10.0mmol/L)、2组12例(10.0mmol/L≤FPG<13.0mmol/L),3组14例(FPG≥13.0mmol/L)。结果:FINS、2h-INS均为1组>2组>3组。其中FINS除1组与2组差异有显著性外(P<0.01),其余各组差异无显著性(P>0.05)。2h-INS3组组差异显著(P<0.01)。HBCI在T2DM3组间差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:空腹血糖浓度低患者的胰岛素分泌和释放处于相对较高水平。不同空腹血糖浓度的T2DM患者胰岛β细胞功能随空腹血糖升高而显著下降。 Objective:To investigate the early intensive blood glucose treatment in Type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) β cell function.Methods:To our hospital from January 2008 to January 2010 were treated 54 cases with type 2 diabetes by fasting glucose divided into a group of 28 cases(FPG 10.0 mmol/L),2 groups 12 cases(10.0 mmol/L ≤ FPG 13.0 mmol/L),3 groups14 cases(FPG ≥13.0 mmol/L).Results:FINS,2h-INS are a group group2 group 3.FINS addition to a group in which 2 groups were significantly different outside(P 0.01),the other groups no significant difference(P 0.05).2h-INS three groups significantly different(P 0.01).HBCI in T2DM differences among the three groups was significant(P 0.01).Conclusions:Fasting blood glucose levels in patients with low insulin secretion and release at a relatively high level.Fasting blood glucose concentrations in different β-cell function in patients with T2DM with elevated fasting blood glucose decreased significantly.
出处 《航空航天医药》 2010年第8期1335-1336,共2页 Aerospace Medicine
关键词 2型糖尿病 空腹血糖 Β细胞功能 Type 2 diabetes Fasting blood glucose β-cell function
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