
中小学生学业质量监测结果的分析与对策 被引量:2

Analysis and Countermeasures on the Monitoring Results of Academic Quality of Primary and Secondary School Students
摘要 过去一年,许多地区参加了"中小学生学业质量分析与指导"项目测试,笔者对某市的测试结果进行了认真的分析和研究。结果表明,该市中小学生学业质量整体水平良好,但还存在一些问题,具体表现在:学生综合应用知识的能力有待进一步提高,区域之间学业质量的不平衡还比较明显,学生学习的背景环境不甚理想。改变现状的最有效的途径即是,推进教育现代化、规范办学行为、狠抓模式优化、提升教师培养力度、重构监测评价体制等。 In the last year, many regions participated in the project testing on "analysis and guidance of primary and secondary school academic quality", and a careful analysis of the test results for a certain city was carried on. It shows that the city's overall level of quality in primary and secondary education is good, but there are still some problems : the students' ability of integrated application of knowledge is to be further improved ; the imbalance between the academic quality of the region is still relatively clear; and the background environment for students to learn is less than ideal. Based on empirical data, the most effective ways to change the situation are: promoting educational modernization, planning school -running behaviors, stressing pattern perfection, emphasizing teachers' cultivation and reconstructing evaluating system.
作者 顾长明
出处 《天津师范大学学报(基础教育版)》 2010年第3期47-50,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Elementary Education Edition)
关键词 学生 学业 质量 结果 分析 对策 students studies quality results analysis countermeasures
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