One of the first measurements that will be made at the LHC by ATLAS deals with the properties of inelastic collisions,namely the central charged particle density and transverse momentum distributions.Current predictions of these distributions have large uncertainties in the LHC energy range.We describe the ATLAS minimum bias triggers,designed to select all kind of inelastic interactions,and the performance of the track reconstruction software which was adapted to soft particle track reconstruction.The precision with which the minimum bias distributions can be measured with early data is presented and the uncertainties on the inelastic distributions due to trigger bias is discussed.
One of the first measurements that will be made at the LHC by ATLAS deals with the properties of inelastic collisions,namely the central charged particle density and transverse momentum distributions.Current predictions of these distributions have large uncertainties in the LHC energy range.We describe the ATLAS minimum bias triggers,designed to select all kind of inelastic interactions,and the performance of the track reconstruction software which was adapted to soft particle track reconstruction.The precision with which the minimum bias distributions can be measured with early data is presented and the uncertainties on the inelastic distributions due to trigger bias is discussed.