

Multiplication and Spread of the rpf C Gene Deletion Mutant of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzac in Susceptible and Resistant Cultivars of Rice
摘要 水稻黄单胞菌水稻致病变种(Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae)中国菌株13751和水稻品种广桂110和IR26的相互作用分别为亲和和不亲和相互作用。13751的rpfC基因缺失突变株SL3751在电镜下的形态和野生型没有显著差别,均为短杆状,大小为(0.5~0.8)×(1.0~2.0)μm。用108cfu/mL或1010cfu/mL的SL3751剪叶接种苗期和分蘖盛期的广桂110,接种后5d内SL3751在广桂110中的生长繁殖和野生型相似,但接种5d后SL3751在其中的活菌数均稳定在106-7cfu/叶,最终SL3751的活菌数比13751的低100倍左右。在抗病品种IR26上,接种后5dSL3751也增殖到106-7cfu/叶,之后也保持在这一水平,最终SL3751的活菌数比野生型的低10倍左右。另外,SL3751在被接种到广桂110和IR26后,它被主要局限在剪叶接种切口下3cm范围内。野生型接种在广桂110上,接种后3d就迅速沿叶脉往下扩展,野生型13751在抗病品种IR26中的扩展速度显著慢于其在广桂110中的扩展速度。所有这些都进一步证实rpfC基因在13751在致病过程中起? The interactions between Chinese strain 13751 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and rice cultivars Guanggui 110 and IR26 are compatible and incompatible interactions,respectively.SL3751,the rpf C gene deletion mutant of 13751, was shortrod which was similar to that of 13751 under electronic microscope.Its size was about (0 5~0 8)×(1 0~2 0) μm.When Guanggui 110 plants at seedling or middle tillering stages were clippinginoculated with SL3751 at concentrations of 10 8 cfu/mL or 10 10 cfu/mL,SL3751 grew and multiplied similarly as the wild-type did within five days post inoculation.But five days after inoculation,the number of SL3751 in each leaf maintaining at about 10 6-7 cfu/leaf till the end of experiment.The final number of SL3751 was about 100 fold lower than that of 13751 in Guanggui 110.Whereas in the resistant cultivar IR26,SL3751 also multiplied to the level of 10 6-7 cfu/leaf five days post inoculation and also maintained at this level afterwards till the end of experiment.The final number of SL3751 was about 10 fold lower than that of 13751.The spread of SL13751 in both Guanggui 110 and IR26 was mainly limited in the region of 3cm away from the cutting tip.Whereas the wildtype could spread fast downwards along the veins in Guanggui 110 three days post inoculation.The spread of 13751 in the resistant cultivar IR26 was significantly slower than that of 13751 in Guanggui 110.All these data further confirmed that rpf C gene played important roles in the pathogenicity of Xoo13751.
出处 《广西农业生物科学》 CSCD 1999年第1期10-14,共5页 Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science
基金 国家高技术"863"计划资助 广西区科技厅课题
关键词 水稻 黄单胞菌 致病变种 基因缺失 突变株 繁殖 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae rpf C gene deletion mutant multiplication spread
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