
Title VI项目对美国高等外语教育的影响与启示 被引量:8

The impact of Title VI programs on American post-secondary foreign language education and their implications
摘要 Title VI项目是美国联邦政府促进高等外语和国际教育发展的重要立法项目。自1958年创立以来,TitleVI项目历经半个多世纪的发展,满足了美国不同时期国家安全、外交和经济发展对外语人才的需求。本文分析了TitleVI项目的历史演变和对美国高等外语教育的影响,认为中国可借鉴美国TitleVI项目的经验,对高等外语教育进行规划,增加外语语种,改革高等外语教育模式,以满足中国在全球化时代外交、经济和科技发展对外语人才的持续需求。 Title VI programs are the most important U. S. Federal Government programs legislated to promote American post-secondary foreign language and international education. They have undergone great changes to meet the different needs concerning the U. S. 's security and economic development since their introduction in 1958. This paper analyzes the historical development of Title VI programs and their impact on American post-secondary foreign language education. It suggests that college foreign language education in China learn from American Title VI programs, increase foreign language programs, and improve the education model.
作者 龚献静
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期67-75,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 国家留学基金委资助(项目编号2008110170)
关键词 TITLE VI项目 外语教育 研究中心 Title VI programs foreign language education research center
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