
苏格兰特许教师标准:一个教师专业发展的新框架 被引量:2

The Standard for Chartered Teachers in Scotland:A New Framework of Teacher Professional Development
摘要 2002年,在苏格兰执行委员会的资助下,由爱丁伯格大学及斯特拉斯克莱德大学教育学院的教职员工、教师、教育管理者和亚瑟·安德森顾问团构成的合作研究小组经过四个阶段的研究,为熟练教师提出了一个新的认证标准——特许教师标准。标准由专业价值和个人承诺、专业知识和理解、专业和个人特性及专业行动四个关键因素构成。苏格兰执行委员会还通过全面调查提出了一个特许教师计划,并采用档案袋评价对参与计划的教师进行评价,以帮助教师获取特许教师身份。 A collaborative research team including Faculty of Education staff from the University of Edinburgh and University of Strathclyde,teachers, education managers and Arthur Andersen Consultants implemented a four-stage research to be funded by the Scottish Executive in 2002,and proposed a new standard for accomplished teachers, the Standard for Chartered Teacher. The Standard consists of four key components: professional values and personal commitments,professional knowledge and understanding,professional and personal attributes,professional action. In order to get the Chartered Teacher status,The Chartered Teacher Programme was instituted by Scottish Executive after a wide inquiry, and the portfolio-assessment was adopted for the teachers of involving the programme.
作者 马香莲
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期12-17,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 宝鸡文理学院重点课题<教师质量及其保障机制研究>(课题编号:ZK0856)
关键词 特许教师标准 特许教师计划 档案袋评价 Standard for Chartered Teacher (SCT) Chartered Teacher Programme Portfolio-assessment
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