干眼症指泪液缺乏,致角结膜干燥;患者会感到眼睛干涩、瘙痒、羞明和视力下降。作者于1995~1996年6月,在广东对住在麻风院内的845名病人和治愈者中的干眼症做了调查,并以 Schirmcr 试验检查了泪液分泌功能;结果显示,Schirmcr 滤纸湿过10 mm 的372例中,有临床症状者237例(64%),不到10 mm 的473例中,有症状的为439例(93%);在裂隙灯下,前者20例中13例(65%)有泪河线异常,泪膜破裂时间全都不到10秒;而在后者20例中16例(80%)泪河线异常、泪膜破裂时产也都不到10秒;在临床上无干眼症的40例中泪膜破裂时间不到10秒的有21例(53%)。这说明,对于目前仍住在医院里的麻风病人和治愈者应供应防护眼镜和人工泪液,并常规地给予维生素 A、及早进行外眼的矫形手术。
Xerophthalmia was surveyed in 845 persons affected with leprosy and living in leprosaria in Guangdong Province.Among 372 persons with over 10 mm by Schirmer test 237 have xerophthalmia (64%) and among 473 with less than 10 mm by the test 437 have that ill- ness (93%).Under slit lamp,in 80 persons,rupture time of lacrimal membrane all is less than 10 seconds,and even though among those who have no xerophthalmia clinically it was so in 53%.The author suggests that it ought to supply such persons protective glasses,artificial lacrima and vitamine A,and if neccessary give an orthopedic surgery for lagophthalmos and ec- tropion.