
从管理的视角看美国公共图书馆的社区认同及其启示 被引量:2

Analyzing the Identification of Communities with Public Libraries in U.S.A. and Its Enlightening Through the View of Management
摘要 介绍美国公共图书馆所获得的高度的社区认同,从决策机制、组织结构设计、内部氛围营造、服务管理四个角度分析其制度原因,从利益相关者支持图书馆方式的角度分析其社会环境,提出对中国图书馆管理的四点建议。 Firstly, this paper introduces the high identification of communities with public libraries in USA. Then, two aspects with regards to the causes of the identification are analyzed, i.e. , the cause deriving from management system in terms of decision mecha- nism, institutional infrastructure, internal atmosphere and service management, and the cause deriving from social circumstance in which different stake holders adopt their own measures to support libraries. At last, this paper brings about four suggestions for the management of libraries in China.
作者 方家忠
机构地区 广州图书馆
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第17期126-129,69,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 美国 公共图书馆 社区认同 管理 社会环境 USA public libraries identification of communities management social circumstance
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