

Effects of degree of sidewall shade on performance of two-dimentional supersonic inlet with non-sideslip
摘要 针对某Mad=2.4矩形进口截面的二元混压式进气道,在Ma∞=2.51及2.27条件下,数值研究了无侧滑角时侧板遮挡度对进气道性能的影响,获得了喉道处各性能参数随侧板遮挡度的变化关系并分析了其变化原因.研究表明:当侧板下端位于压缩面平直段后,各性能参数变化明显;对于所研究的进气道采用位置靠后的侧板有利于改善进气道的起动性能,但却大大增加了阻力也牺牲了流量系数. This paper investigated the effects of the degree of sidewall shade on the performance of a two-dimentional mixed-compression rectangular cross-section inlet designed for Mad =2.4 working in Ma∞=2.51 and 2.27 of non-sideslip flight condition.The relationships between inlet performance parameters at throat and sidewall shade were obtained,and the reasons of these changes were analyzed.The results indicate that,the performance parameters will change obviously when the bottom of the sidewall is located after the flat compression surface.For the two-dimentional mixed-compression inlet of this paper,when the back positioned sidewall is adopted,the starting performance will be improved while significantly increasing the drag and reducing the flow coefficient.
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期1581-1587,共7页 Journal of Aerospace Power
关键词 超声速 二元进气道 混压式 侧板 数值模拟 supersonic two-dimentional inlet mixed-compression sidewall numerical simulation
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