
基于误差反馈控制的建立航空发动机自适应模型方法 被引量:2

Adaptive model of aero-engines based on error-feedback control
摘要 提出了基于误差反馈控制的建立航空发动机自适应模型方法.即以实际发动机的输出为参考指令,以航空发动机性能蜕化值为航空发动机模型的控制量,通过设计鲁棒性好且能消除稳态误差的增广线性二次型最优调节(ALQR)控制器以实现模型的输出自适应地无偏跟踪真实发动机的输出,利用ALQR的鲁棒性,使模型具有良好的自适应性.ALQR和发动机模型一起构成航空发动机自适应模型.最后通过稳态仿真和动态仿真表明该方法不仅可以实现自适应模型全包线跟踪稳态真实发动机,同时能实现动态跟踪真实发动机. A method was presented based on error-feedback control to establish an adaptive model.This method took the real aero-engine's measurable outputs as the reference command,and the deterioration level as the control variables.Then an augmented linear quadratic regulator(ALQR) controller was designed to make the model's outputs adaptively and precisely track the real engine's outputs.Because of the robustness of the controller,the model has good adaptive performance.The controller and the engine model form the adaptive model.The simulation indicates that this method achieves very good performance.
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期1913-1917,共5页 Journal of Aerospace Power
基金 国家自然科学基金(50576033)
关键词 航空发动机 自适应模型 增广线性二次型最优调节控制器(ALQR) 性能蜕化 误差反馈控制 aero-engine adaptive model augmented linear quadratic regulator(ALQR) performance deterioration error-feedback control
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