
支气管哮喘患者生活质量状况的心理社会影响因素调查 被引量:6

Investigation of Social and Psychological Factors Influencing Quality of Life of Asthma Patients
摘要 目的:调查哮喘患者的生活质量及其心理社会影响因素。方法:采用哮喘生活质量评估表(AQLQ)、艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC)、医用应对问卷(MCMQ)及社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对769名哮喘患者进行调查。结果:①神经质性人格(r=-0.338)和屈服的应对方式(r=-0.466)与生活质量总分呈显著负相关。②回归分析的结果显示,中重度病情、良好的经济状况、神经质的性格特征以及屈服的应对方式能够显著地预测哮喘患者的生活质量。③路径分析的结果显示,对社会支持的利用度及屈服的应对方式在人格与生活质量间起中介作用。结论:屈服应对和神经质性人格是影响哮喘患者生活质量的重要心理因素。 Objective:To study the status of quality of life(QOL) and social and psychological influencing factors of asthma patients.Methods:769 adult asthma patients were investigated with Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire(AQLQ),Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised,Short Scale for Chinese(EPQ-RSC),Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire(MCMQ) and Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS).Results:①Neuroticism personality and resignation coping style was negatively correlated with the sum of AQLQ(correlation coefficient was-0.338 and-0.466 respectively).②Regression analysis revealed that QOL could be predicted effectively by middle and serious disease character,better financial status,neuroticism personality and resignation coping styles.③ Path analysis revealed that the use of social support and resignation coping styles could be a medium between personality and QOL.Conclusion:QOL of asthma patients on the whole is in poor situation.Resignation coping styles and neuroticism personality had important effect on the QOL of asthma patients.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2010年第4期486-489,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(07JAXLX005) 山东省教育厅科技计划项目(J07YE03)
关键词 哮喘患者 生活质量 人格 应对方式 社会支持 Patients with asthma Quality of life Personality Coping styles Social support
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