
学前儿童对攻击行为信息的错误回忆 被引量:4

Preschoolers' False-Recall about Aggression
摘要 目的:考察学前儿童关于攻击行为的性别图式是否影响他们对攻击行为信息的回忆。方法:采用错误回忆范式,对189名学前儿童进行测查。结果:儿童对女孩身体攻击者性别与攻击方式的错误回忆均显著高于男孩身体攻击者,且3岁、4岁和5岁组儿童对女孩身体攻击者的错误回忆均显著高于男孩身体攻击者;儿童对女孩关系攻击者的错误回忆显著高于男孩关系攻击者。结论:学前儿童关于身体攻击与关系攻击行为的性别图式影响他们对相关攻击行为信息的回忆。 Objective:To examine the effects of preschoolers' gender schemas on aggression for recall about related information.Methods:False-recall were tested for a sample of 189 preschoolers.Results:For physical aggression,whether aggressor's gender or types,preschoolers made significantly more errors on girl-physical aggression than boy-physical aggression,and errors in recall of 3-,4-,and 5-year-old children on girl-physical aggression were significantly more than boy physical aggression.For relational aggression,preschoolers made significantly more errors on girl relational aggression than boy relational aggression.Conclusion:Preschoolers' gender schemas on physical and relational aggression effect their recall for related information.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2010年第4期520-522,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 山东省"泰山学者"建设工程专项经费 山东省"十一五"强化建设重点学科建设经费 山东省社科规划研究项目(09CJYZ10)经费资助
关键词 学前儿童 攻击行为 错误回忆 性别图式 Preschoolers Aggression False recall Gender schemas
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