
牙齿防龋用氟化物涂膜 被引量:5

Fluoride varnish for anti-caries of teeth
摘要 牙齿防龋用氟化物涂膜是一种用于牙齿表面的含氟涂膜材料,一般由成膜材料、氟化物和挥发性溶剂组成,分为稀糊剂型、悬浮液型和溶液型3种类型。涂于牙齿表面后,氟化物涂膜能在牙齿表面附着一段时间,期间能缓慢释放氟离子。释放的氟离子能进入釉质内,形成氟磷灰石,同时在釉质表面形成氟化钙沉积层,从而提高牙釉质抗酸蚀能力。 Fluoride varnish is a topical anticarious coating material applied to tooth surface,which is usually composed of film-forming material,fluoride compound and volatile solvent and available in the form of thick suspension,thin suspension and solution.After application,fluoride varnish will stay on tooth surface for 4~24h.During that time it will release fluoride ions that can enter into enamel to form FAP or create a layer of CaF2 deposition on the enamel surface,which will enhance the resistance of enamel to acid-etching.
作者 赵信义
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2010年第8期449-451,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 防龋 牙釉质 涂膜 anti-caries enamel fluoride varnish
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