目的探讨玻璃纤维桩联合纳米复合树脂对儿童年轻外伤恒前牙临时过渡性修复的临床效果。方法 2004年9月至2008年3月于杭州市口腔医院儿童牙科对65例78颗儿童外伤冠折恒前牙行完善的根尖诱导和根管治疗后,使用玻璃纤维桩修复后直接用纳米复合树脂修复外形作为至18岁的过渡性修复,随访3年,观察其临床修复效果。结果术后3个月复查,未见纤维桩折断、根折、根吸收。术后6个月有1例因二次外伤发生根折。术后24个月复查,仅3例出现表面着色,未见树脂脱落,边缘渗漏偶有发生,经处理均使患者满意。术后36个月,未见纤维桩脱落、根折。结论玻璃纤维桩和纳米复合树脂联合修复儿童外伤恒前牙是成功有效的过渡性修复方法。它能够避免直接树脂修复或断冠修复造成的反复脱落,又能降低根折风险,最大限度的保留牙体组织。
Objective To explore the clinical effects of glass fiber posts and nano-composite resin in restoring permanent anterior fractured teeth in children.Methods Totally 78 endodontically treated fractured anterior teeth of 65 children were restored with glass fiber posts and nano-composite resin,which is the temporary restoration until 18 years old.After 3 years of follow-up,the restoration effect was observed.Results There were no root or post fracture after three months.Follow-up(six months)showed that one case developed root fracture;follow-up(one year)showed that only 3 cases developed surface straining.After 2 years,fracture or loss of retention of resin was not observed,while the marginal leakage and recurrent caries were infrequently observed,which were retreated easily and resulted in good patient compliance.There were no root or post fracture after 3 years.Conclusion Glass fiber posts and nano-composite resin restoration is a successful and effective transition treatment for endondontically treated fractured anterior teeth in children.It can avoid the loss of retention of direct resin restoration or fractured crown.It decreases the risk of root fracture and conserves remaining tooth structure.
Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
glass fiber post
nano-composite resin
permanent anterior fractured teeth in children