
爱国情感引发暂时性抵制冲突国产品行为的实验研究 被引量:1

An Experiment Research on How Patriotic Emotion Causes Temporary Boycotting the Products from the Conflicting Country
摘要 随着全球化的进一步发展,各国间的经济、政治、军事、文化等突发性冲突也随之增多,这类矛盾会影响消费者在国际市场上的购买行为。此领域在国际营销界受到越来越多的关注,但在国内尚鲜有人进行买证研究。突发性的国家间冲突导致某国消费者暂时性地抵制另一国的产品,在此浪潮中影响个体消费者抵制行为的因素及作用机制是什么?本文在定性研究的基础上构建了一个新的概念——爱国情感,并建立假设与模型,然后用2×2×2的组间实验检验假设。本研究发现,当突发性国家冲突发生时,冲突所引发的消费者的爱国情感越强,冲突国产品的产品比较效用越低,则消费者越倾向于抵制该国产品。但是实验结果无法支持从众压力影响抵制行为的假设。 With the deepen globalization, the sudden economic, political, military and cultural conflicts between nations have increased, thereby influencing consumers' purchase behavior in international markets. This research issue has gained considerable attention in international marketing, but is rarely studied in China. What factors cause consumer temporary boycotting behavior against products from the other country due to a sudden national conflict and how do they work? Based on qualitative research, this paper creates a new construct of Patriotic Emotion, establishes hypotheses and a model, and utilizes an experiment to testify the hypotheses. According to the research result, when a sudden na tional conflict takes place, the stronger consumers' patriotic emotion aroused by the conflict is, and the lower the product comparison utility of the conflicting country is, the more likely consumers are to boycott products from that nation. But the experiment findings do not support the assumption that conformity pressure affects consumers' boycotting.
作者 朱凌 潘煜
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2010年第4期67-72,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 爱国情感 从众 品牌原产地 抵制 Patriotic Emotion Conformity Brand Origin Boycott
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