
服务员工品牌内化及影响因素的探索性研究 被引量:4

The exploratory study of service employee brand internalization and its influencing factors
摘要 随着服务经济和体验经济的发展,服务企业面临的市场竞争日趋激烈,服务品牌的建设已经成为品牌管理的一个新兴主题。对于服务企业而言,构建强势品牌不仅仅在于品牌的外部传播,必须从平衡的视角,致力于品牌的内部建设,通过与顾客接触的员工的品牌态度和行为,塑造良好的品牌形象。本研究基于扎根理论对服务员工品牌内化及其影响因素进行了探索性研究,通过文献分析和质性研究相结合的方法,构建了服务员工品牌内化的概念模型。研究认为服务员工品牌内化体现在服务员工品牌态度和品牌行为两个层面,驱动服务员工品牌内化的要素包括品牌形象、品牌定位和工作特征三个方面,研究为服务员工品牌内化的定量研究打下了坚实的基础,对品牌管理具有重要的实践意义。 With the development of the service economy and experience economy, corporate is facing more fierce market competition, and service brand building has become an emerging topic of brand management. For service corpo rate, a strong brand building is not merely rely on the brand external communication, it must be on balanced perspective to do best on the internal brand building, by the customercontact employee brand attitudes and behavior, to create a good brand image. This study is based on grounded theory to explore service employee brand internalization and its in fluencing factors, combined by literature analysis and qualitative research methods to construct the employee brand internalization conceptive model. The results of this study are that the employee brand internalization includes two aspects of brand attitude and brand behavior of service employee. The factors which influence service employee brand internalization include the brand image, the brand positioning and the job characteristics. The study lays a solid foundation on the lnternahzatlon quantitative reservice employee brand internalization' s quantitative research, and has an important practical significance on brand management.
作者 李辉 任声策
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2010年第4期87-92,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:70902074)
关键词 服务员工 品牌内化 品牌态度 品牌行为 Service employee Brand internalization Brand attitude Brand behavior
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