利用高、低空常规气象观测资料、卫星云图和多普勒雷达资料,分析了2006年6月12日发生在太原机场的一次强对流风暴过程,结果表明:高空气旋性冷槽的迅速东移和地面冷锋过境是本次强对流风暴发生的天气尺度系统背景,机场发生的地面大风是由下击暴流引起的,近地面强辐散引起阵风锋发生在弓形回波中低辐合层对应的下方;雷暴单体回波剖面随时间的演变发现确有反射率因子核心重心下降并接地的现象,并据此证实有两次下击暴流过程.第一次出现在16时前后距本场西北90 km处,第二次出现在18时04分,第二轮下击暴流直接造成本场的地面大风.下击暴流发生的过程始终伴随着中低层长时间的辐合和反射率因子核心的重心下降接地过程.
Analyze a strong convective storm process which happened June 12, 2006 by meteorological data, satellite images and Doppler radar data. The results show: it is the weather system background of the convective storm that high -altitude cold cyclonic trough moved rapidly eastward and surface cold crossed front. Airport ground wind was caused by downburst. The gust front which was caused by the strong near-surface divergence occurred below the bow-shaped echo of convergence. There were two downburst process and the evolution of thunderstorms single echo profile over time has been found that the core focus of decreased reflectivity factor and the phenomenon of grounding. The first was around 16 o'clock in the north-west 90km away from the airport. The second was in 18:04 and the second downburst had a direct result of the wind in airport. Downburst processes occurring in the low level was accompanied by a long period of convergence and the reflectivity factor core focus of the process of decline in ground .
Shanxi Meteorological Quarterly
Doppler Radar, Convective storm, Squall-line, Bow-shaped echo.