The VIL distribution was obtained through VLL products generated application principle, calculation formula of VIL, the use of radar data and time corresponding to the day of the sounding data to obtain day 0℃ layer height and height to 0 ℃ for the sector, the cumulative vertical liquid water content to be divided the the into two parts from top to bottom, respectively, in each area of a vertical cylinder at the end of the vertical accumulation of liquid water content, as well as the cumulative vertical stratification of liquid water content. The upper Y2 distribution was obtained through the radar network in Shanxi province. There was better effect of artificial rainfall by combining with radar echo data analysis of the moving direction and speed shift and the choice of the aircraft operating rainfall as well as operati commanded through using ng th time. The ground anti-aircraft rockets and anti-hail artificial rainfall operations e vertical accumulated stratification of liquid water and the ration at 0℃.
Shanxi Meteorological Quarterly
Doppler Radar
Vertical accumulation of liquid water content
Stratified calculation area were