
国家创新体系概念、构成及我国建设现状和重点研究 被引量:23

Study on Concept and Inner Composition of National Innovation System and Current Status and Emphases of Building China's National Innovation System
摘要 我国国家创新体系建设近年来取得了很多成就,但还存在着诸如政府各部门的支持企业技术创新的措施缺乏协同配套,企业尚未成为技术创新主体,产学研结合松散等问题。论文通过研究国家创新体系的概念及其内在构成,分析中国国家创新体系建设的现状及存在的不足,提出并阐述了建设中国特色国家创新体系的重点及趋势,包括建设以企业为主体、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,建设科学研究与高等教育有机结合的知识创新体系,建设军民结合、寓军于民的国防科技创新体系,建设各具特色和优势的区域创新体系,以及建设社会化、网络化的科技中介服务体系。 Although a lot of achievements have been acquired in building China' s National Innovation System,there are still rooms for improvement such as lack of coordination in measures adopted by government departments to support companies' technology innovation,failure of enterprises to become the real main player of technology innovation,loose cooperation between industry-university-research entities,etc.By researching on the concept and inner composition of National Innovation System of China,this paper aims to analyze the current status and weak points of China's National Innovation System,expound the priorities and trends of National Innovation System,which covers the technology innovation system,the knowledge innovation system,the defense science and technology system,the regional innovation system and the science and technology agency service system.The technology innovation system has the following functions:1) companies act as the main player and industry-university-research entities cooperate well;2) the knowledge innovation system operates as science research entities and higher education institutions cooperate closely.3) the defense science and technology innovation system works taking both military and civil needs into account;4) the regional innovation system carries unique comparative advantages and distinctive features;5) the science and technology agency service system runs as highly socialized and network-oriented.
作者 刘志春
机构地区 国家科技部
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2010年第15期5-8,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 国家创新体系 知识创新 技术创新 national innovation system knowledge innovation science and technology innovation
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