目的 :研究子宫肥大细胞在给天花粉后的组织化学性持。方法 :甲苯胺蓝染色 ,Alcian蓝 -藏红染色 ,临界电解质浓度测定和硫酸小蘖碱荧光染色。结果 :用天花粉 2 0小时、2 1小时、2 2小时、2 4小时后 ,子宫肥大细胞数量均明显增多 ,增多的肥大细胞 TB染色为浅紫色 ,AB- S染色呈蓝色 ,硫酸小蘖碱荧光染色不显荧光 ,临界电解质浓度偏低。结论 :增多的肥大细胞首先表现为幼稚的结缔组织型肥大细胞。随天花粉作用时间延长 ,肥大细胞颗粒内糖胺多糖的硫酸化程度增高 ,并合成肝素 。
Objective: To study the histochemistry of uterine mast cells after being given Tian Hua Fen(THF). Methods: Toluidine blue staining, alcian blue safranin staining, critical electrolyte concentration measure and berbering sulphate fluorescence staining were used. Results: The number of uterine mast cells increased with the treatment of THF considerably 20 hours, 21 hours, 22 hours, 24 hours later. The increasing mast cells showed light violet when stained with toluidine blue, blue when stained with Alcian blue safranin, non fluorescent when stained with berbering sulphate and presented a lower critical electrolyte concentration. Conclusion: The increasing mast cell showed immature connective tissue mast cells(CTMC). The sulfational degree of the granular glycosaminogly rose gradually with the prologation of the action of the THF time, and thus uterine mast cells tended to mature.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy