
基于可视切线图的未知环境建模新方法研究 被引量:2

Research on a new method for unknown environment modelling based on visual tangent graphs
摘要 针对移动机器人路径规划的环境建模问题,提出了一种基于可视切线图的未知环境建模新方法。首先给出可视切线图的定义,其节点为障碍物边界上的可视切点,边为视点与可视切点间的切线段。其次为避免机器人与障碍物相碰,对可视切线图进行了扩展。最后在建立可视切线图的基础上,采用两种启发函数搜索全局目标指导下的局部最优路径。仿真分析证明,可视切线图的数据结构简单,所需存储空间小,具有较好的环境适应能力,是一种有效的路径规划工具。 Aiming at environment modelling of path planning of a mobile robot, a new method for unknown environment modelling based on visual tangent graphs is proposed. Firstly, the visual tangent graph is defined, whose nodes correspond to visual tangent points on obstacle boundaries, and whose edges represent tangents between the visual point and the visual tangent points. Secondly, the visual tangent graph is extended to avoid collision of a robot and obstacles. Finally, according to the visual tangent graph, a local optimal path guided by the global goal is searched using two heuristic functions. The simulation analysis indicates the visual tangent graph is an effective path planning tool with simple data structure, less memory space and better environment adaptability.
出处 《高技术通讯》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期505-510,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2007AA041501)资助项目
关键词 移动机器人 路径规划 未知环境建模 局部路径规划 mobile robot, path planning, unknown environment modelling, local path planning
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