

Crown arteries bridging patient uses for Luo Feiban clinical observation
摘要 目的:冠脉搭桥(CABG)患者术前应用盐酸替罗非班后随访1年的临床观察.方法:选取我院2007年1月1日至2009年6月1日的冠心病(CAD)患者,经冠脉造影证实为严重的三支血管病变不适宜行内科介入治疗,需外科冠脉搭桥(CABG)治疗的患者60例.所有患者术前均予以常规内科药物治疗,围手术期间经上述药物治疗病情稳定者32例作为对照组.经上述药物治疗后仍反复出现心绞痛发作者28例作为观察组,予以盐酸替罗非班连续静脉应用24-72h,用至术前停用24h.随访1年,观察用药后两组患者远期心血管事件发生有无差异.结果:通过对比分析得出观察组在随访1年时与对照组相比,心血管意外事件无显著降低.结论:外科冠搭桥患者术前使用盐酸替罗非班远期无明显降低心血管意外事件发生率. Objective: The crown arteries build a bridge in front of the (CABG) patient technique to apply the hydrochloric acid to make a follow -up visit 3 year clinical observation after Luo Feiban. Methods; Selects my courtyard from January 1,2007 to June 1,2009 coronary disease (CAD) patient, after the crown arteries radiography confirmed is not suitable for the serious three blood vessel pathological change the good internal medicine department to involve the treatment,needs the surgical department crown arteries to build a bridge the (CABG) treatment patient 60 examples. In front of all patient technique gives the conventional internal medicine department medicine treatment,encircles surgery period takes the control group after the above medicine treatment condition stability 32 examples. Still repeatedly appeared the angina pectoris outbreak 28 examples after the above medicine treatment to take the observation group,gave the hydrochloric acid the continual vein to apply 24--72h for Luo Feiban, with stopped using 24h to the technique in front of. Makes a follow--up visit for 1 year, whether there is the observation applies drugs the latter two group of patient for- ward cardiovascular event to have the difference. Results:Obtains the observation group through the contrast analysis when makes a follow--up visit for 1 year with the control group to compare,the cardiovascular accident is not remarkable reduces. Conclusion: In front of the surgical department crown bridging patient technique uses the hydrochloric acid forward to reduce the cardiovascular accident formation rate not obviously for Luo Feiban.
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第26期25-26,共2页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 冠状搭桥 替罗非班 心血管意外事件 Coronal bridging For Luo Feiban Cardiovascular accident
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