
银屑病的生物治疗新进展 被引量:14

The Progress of Biologic Therapies in the Treatment of Psoriasis
摘要 银屑病是一种CD4+T淋巴细胞介导的自身免疫紊乱性疾病,生物制剂以阻断不同的免疫环节为靶点,治疗中重度银屑病疗效显著。阿法西普、依那西普、英利昔单抗、阿达木单抗及Ustekinumab是获得美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)批准应用的五种生物制剂,对其临床疗效、不良反应及应用前景进行了阐述。 Psoriasis is an autoimmune related disease mediated by the CD4-positive T-lymphocytes. Blocking the different key targets of immune response, biologic agents have been shown to be good to excellent clinical outcomes for psoriasis. This article reviews the effectiveness and adverse reactions of alefacept, etanercept, infliximab and ustekinumab which have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
作者 李红 周澜华
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第9期862-864,共3页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
关键词 银屑病 生物制剂 治疗 Psoriasis Biologic agents Treatment
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