

Nuclear Power and the Construction of Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Zone
摘要 "十一五"期间国家确立了积极发展核电的战略方针,这也为江西省的核电发展提供了契机。目前江西几个核电厂址的前期工作已陆续展开,且均在环鄱阳湖生态经济区。江西省一次能源相对匮乏,仅占华中地区的3.3%,水能资源理论蕴藏量和煤炭资源储量仅占全国的0.98%和0.137%,只有大力发展核电等清洁能源。核电项目投产可提高电力供应水平,也可对各个产业的产出起到推动作用,从而促进江西整体经济的发展。国务院已将鄱阳湖生态经济区建设提升为国家战略,核电将为该区域乃至全省的低碳经济发展,以及江西在中部地区的绿色崛起提供强有力的能源保障。江西省水系较发达,大小水库近万座,核电取水排水条件优越。省内交通运输条件能满足核电运输要求,可供核电选址的地域较广,人口分布也有利于核电选址。此外,江西是我国重要的铀资源基地,铀资源储量和开采量占全国的1/3和1/2,这对江西发展核电极为有利。建议国家和各级地方政府应着重保护好江西省核电厂址资源。 China established a strategy to push the development of nuclear power during the Eleventh Five Year Plan period.This national strategy has also offered an opportunity to Jiangxi province for developing nuclear power.The province has planned several nuclear power plants and the preparatory work for construction of some of them is well under way.All these nuclear power plants will be located in the Poyang Lake rim region.Jiangxi is a province short of primary energy resources.The province accounts for only 3.3% of all primary energy resources proven in central China,0.98% of all theoretical water energy resources in China and 0.137% of all coal resources in the country.Developing clean energy including nuclear power is the only option for the province.Nuclear power projects in operation can help enhance a region′s power supply ability and will also give a boost to production of various industries.The State Council has upgraded the plan to build up the Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Zone to a national strategy.Nuclear power will provide a strong support to the development of low-carbon economy in the Poyang Lake area or even the entire Jiangxi province as well as the province′s drive to emerge as an economic leader in central China in an environmentally responsible manner.Jiangxi province has relatively developed water systems with nearly 10 ,000 water reservoirs of different sizes,providing excellent conditions for sourcing and discharging water for nuclear power plants.The province′s traffic conditions meet the requirements for nuclear power transmission and many sites are suitable for accommodating nuclear reactors.The province′s population distribution also makes the selection of nuclear power sites easier.In addition,Jiangxi province is an important uranium resource production area in China,whose uranium reserves and production account for one third and half of the country′s total respectively.This is an especially favorable condition for the province to develop nuclear power.This article suggests the state and governments at all levels put a premium on the protection of sites suitable for building nuclear power plants in Jiangxi province.
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2010年第9期113-116,共4页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 江西核电 鄱阳湖生态经济区 清洁能源 绿色崛起 低碳经济 厂址保护 nuclear power in Jiangxi province Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Zone clean energy ris- ing in an environmentally responsible manner low-carbon economy site protection
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