
作为有机知识分子的马修·阿诺德 被引量:4

Matthew Arnold as Organic Intellectual
摘要 本文旨在重新评价英国著名诗人、评论家马修·阿诺德,指出他并非俨然为文化精英主义者,而是具有精英情怀的"有机知识分子"。阿诺德不仅通过其诗歌创作繁荣了维多利亚时期的英国文学,借助"人生批评"理论奠定了现代英国文学批评的基础,而且更为重要的是,他始终积极发挥文化组织者的作用,致力于以社会文化批评改造由心胸狭隘、不具亲和力、不具吸引力的中产阶级所代表的维多利亚英国社会。 This paper demonstrates that Matthew Arnold,as a poet and critic,achieved more than what a stereotyped man of letters or cultural elitist did,and that he established himself as a Gramscian organic intellectual.It argues that a reasonable evaluation of Arnold should cover not only his contributions to Victorian poetry and modern literary criticism,but also his contributions to the Victorian England as a cultural organizer,which proved to be constructive to the English society.In fact,it was not Arnold as a traditional man of letters or cultural elitist,but Arnold as an organic intellectual who spread and enriched the best that had been said and thought in the world.
作者 徐德林
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期12-21,共10页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 诗歌 批评 文化 有机知识分子 poetry criticism culture organic intellectual
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