

The United States and the Armed Intervention Imposed to Mexico by France,Great Britain and Spain from 1861to 1867
摘要 1861年12月,法、英、西三国以要求墨西哥偿还债务为名,发动了对墨西哥的武装干涉。虽然欧洲的干涉对象是墨西哥而非美国,但欧洲的这种干涉却构成了对美国在1820年代提出的"门罗主义"的公开挑战,所以美国决不能容忍欧洲国家肆意为之,它必定会用适当的方式对这种挑战做出回应。欧洲(法国)对墨西哥的干涉可以分为三个阶段,美国在每一阶段都根据当时的形势采取了不同的应对策略,最终用和平的方式促使法国从墨西哥撤军。1861~1867年欧洲对墨西哥的武装干涉,打破了19世纪前半期欧洲君主制和美洲共和制这两大政治集团的平行发展,对墨西哥今后的发展,对门罗主义最终走向成熟,对美墨关系的走向,都产生了非常重要的影响。 In December, 1861, an armed intervention was imposed to Mexico by France, Great Britain and Spain, the Euro- pean powers that had vigorously made claims for the loss of their nationals against the government of Benito Judrez. The intervention was an obvious disregard to the "Monroe Doctrine", which was put forwards by the United States in the year of 1823, though the three European countries was going to intervene not the US but Mexico. The United States would not bear this kind of hostility and would counterattack the challenge from Europe. The course of the European intervention (chiefly by France) towards Mexico could be divided into three phases, during which the US adopted dif- ferent strategies according to the different situations. Ultimately the US got the outcome it had earnestly longed for, viz. solving the Mexican problem peacefully. The intervention imposed to Mexico by the three European powers was a very important event in the history of modern international relations. It not only caused the collateral development dur- ing the former half of the 19th century between European monarchy and American republic to be ended, but also influ- enced upon the development of Mexico after the intervention, the maturation of Monroe Doctrine, and the trend of the relations between the US and Mexico.
作者 房建国
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期97-104,共8页 Journal of Historical Science
关键词 法国 武装干涉 墨西哥 美国 门罗主义 西沃德 France armed intervention Mexico the US Monroe Doctrine Seward
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