
信用卡市场的逆向选择——基于国内城镇居民消费金融的调查数据 被引量:4

The Adverse Selection of Credit Card market in China——Based on the Survey of Consumer Finance of Urban Household
摘要 利用国内15个城市居民消费金融的调查数据,研究了国内信用卡市场上的逆向选择问题。在控制其他变量的条件下,研究了持卡人的信用额度和收入波动之间的关系,结果发现,收入波动较大的持卡人获得的信用额度反而较高,稳健性检验进一步验证了信用卡市场存在逆向选择的结论。此外,研究还证实,消费者的用卡行为对信用额度存在着显著影响。 Using the data of consumer finance on Chinese urban household from 15 cities, the authors study the phenomenon of adverse selection in China's credit card. The authors collected the data reflecting the cardholder's income variability and can not be observed by bank easily. After controlling other variables, the paper studies the relationship between the credit limit and income variability. The results show that the higher variability of the cardholder's income is, the larger credit limit the cardholder will be granted by bank. The robust test confirmed us the existence of adverse selection in China's credit market. And the behaviors of cardholder also have an impact on his credit limit.
作者 廖理 张金宝
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第8期31-38,共8页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 清华大学中国金融研究中心项目"中国消费金融现状及投资者教育调查" 中国博士后基金项目(20090450032)
关键词 信用额度 收入波动 逆向选择 credit limit credit card adverse selection
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