Network boundary recognition via relative azimuth angle
Network boundary recognition via relative azimuth angle
To recognize the boundary of wireless networks to meet some specific needs, relative azimuth angles of nodes distributed in the 1-hop neighborhood of each node in one network were used to recognize the boundary of the network. A novel recognition algorithm based on local generalized convex hull was proposed for one node to decide if it self is a boundary node. The flexibility, efficiency and consistency of the algorithm are shown in its performance by extensive simulations.
To recognize the boundary of wireless networks to meet some specific needs, relative azimuth angles of nodes distributed in the 1-hop neighborhood of each node in one network were used to recognize the boundary of the network. A novel recognition algorithm based on local generalized convex hull was proposed for one node to decide if it self is a boundary node. The flexibility, efficiency and consistency of the algorithm are shown in its performance by extensive simulations.
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