

Simulation of grid allocation in single-item multi-unit double auction market
摘要 将基于组合双向拍卖的资源分配及定价算法扩展到单物品多单元场景中,给出了该场景下算法的实现过程,从激励相容、预算平衡、机制效率方面分析了算法的性质,并提出了可调节的拍卖师收入策略。仿真结果表明,该方法可以得到完整的资源分配及定价信息,与传统的多单元双向拍卖(MDA)相比,可以在保证拍卖师收入的情况下,达到更高的节点交易率以及更低的效率损失率,是一种有效的分配及定价方案。 By extension of previously developed combinatorial double auction based resource allocation and pricing method into a single-item multi-unit environment, a new method is proposed. The characteristics of the new method, such as incentive compatibility, budget-balance and mechanism efficiency are analyzed. An improved strategy to obtain the adjustable income of the auctioneer is also proposed. Experiment results show that the proposed method can gain the whole allocation and price information. Moreover, compared with the traditional Multi-unit Double Auction (MDA), the new method can achieve a higher node trade rate and a lower efficiency loss rate, as well as guarantee the income of the auctioneer.
作者 程翔 李立
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1359-1365,共7页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 '新一代宽带无线移动通信网'国家科技重大专项项目(2010ZX03001-002)
关键词 计算机应用 网格资源分配 定价算法 多单元双向拍卖 computer application grid resource allocation pricing algorithm multi-unit double auction
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