目的 探讨临床相关浓度异丙酚对培养人血管内皮细胞及其受联胺诱导脂质过氧化损伤时的保护作用。方法 将培养人脐静脉内皮细胞3~4 代于融合状态,分为不加联胺正常培养及加联胺损伤两组,分别向两组中加入0、12.5、25、50及100μm ol/L异丙酚作用30分钟,再向联胺损伤组中加入1.0×10- 4m ol/L联胺作用80 分钟。测定各组丙二醛(MDA)浓度,分别进行光镜及扫描电镜观察。结果 随着异丙酚浓度的升高,受联胺损伤内皮细胞的MDA 含量明显下降,内皮细胞的损伤程度明显减轻。高浓度异丙酚明显降低基础MDA 的产生。结论 临床相关浓度的异丙酚对内皮细胞过氧化损伤有明显的保护作用。
Objective The protective effects of propofol in clinical relevant concentration were investigated in cultured human venae umbilicales endothelial cells(EC) and compared with diamide induced lipid peroxidative injured EC.Methods The third and forth passages of the cultured EC were devided into two groups,one group with normally cultured cells and the other with diamide induced injured cells.0,12.5,25,50 and 100 μmol/L propofol were added respectively and cultured for 30 min.and compared with the addition of 1.0×10 -4 mol/L diamide and cultured for 80min.The concentrations of malondialdehyde(MDA) were measured,with ordinary microscopy and electronic microscopy were performed.Results With the increasing concentrations of propofol,the concentrations of MDA were significantly decreased with the reduction of morphologic changes in diamide induced injured cells.The higher concentration of propofol can significantly decrease the fundamental production of MDA.Conclusion propofol in clinical relevant concentration has significant protective effects on peroxidative injuries in EC.
Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology