
瓷层厚度对牙用陶瓷色彩的影响 被引量:3

The influence of ceramic layer thickness on the color of ceramic
摘要 目的探讨陶瓷修复体的色彩与瓷层厚度的关系。方法分别制作直径为12mm,厚度为0.5mm、1.0mm、1.5mm、2.0mm的圆盘状B3色和C3色体瓷试件,在D65光源条件下,以分光光度计分别测试各组试件在黑色和白色背景条件下的混和色。结果随瓷层厚度增加,试件的a*值、b*值增加,L*值在白色背景下增加,在黑色背景下减小;随瓷层厚度增加,同种厚度体瓷试件于黑色背景的混和色和与白色背景的混合色之间的色差逐渐减小,B3色试件的色差值大于C3色试件。结论瓷层厚度为1.5mm时陶瓷修复体色度值基本达到稳定。陶瓷的遮色能力随厚度增加而增加,随陶瓷色调不同而变化。 Objective To investigate the effect of ceramic thickness on the color of ceramic restoration. Methods The color of B3 and C3 ceramic disks prepared with thickness of 1.0mm, 1.5mm and 2.0ram was measured by PR650 spectrum colorimeter in standard black and white background. Results When the ceramic specimens' thickness increased, a * and b * of the mixed color all increased. The value of the mixed color increased in white background but decreased in black background. The color difference between color measured in black background and measured in white background decreased with the increase of ceramic specimen' thickness. The color difference of B3 color specimen was greater than C3 color specimen. Conclusion The color of the ceramic prosthesis becomes stable when ceramic layer thickness is i. 5mm. Ceramic mask capacity increases with the increase of thickness.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2010年第4期215-217,共3页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
关键词 陶瓷 厚度 颜色 Ceramic Thickness Color
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